Happy Employee = Happy Customer?

Happy Employee = Happy Customer?

Most companies put a great deal of focus on providing great customer experiences but when was the last time the employee experience was considered? 

Let’s be honest, often times, angry employees project their negative feelings onto customers (and colleagues for that matter) contributing to the cycle of losing customers due to poor performance and bad attitudes.

The pandemic-produced worker shortage coupled with the understanding that employees are the key to making or breaking a phenomenal client experience, smart companies are now asking its employees what they need have a fulfilling work experience. Employee engagement is becoming a strong trend.

So to answer an obvious question, yes, happy employees equate to happy customers.

Happy employees do, in fact, increase customer satisfaction.  In a study conducted by Gallup, energized and engaged employees who are passionate and know their purpose are 21% more productive than non-engaged employees.  Their drive makes them more detail oriented, more likely to complete assignments on time, and resolve problems quicker.  All of which translate into increased customer satisfaction.

How are companies making employees happy?  Companies are asking for feedback.  According to Forbes.com, Gen Z is interested in more than just their pay…they want to be part of ethical organizations where their work makes a difference in the local and global community. 

Surveys are a great way to find out exactly what employees are looking for in the workplace.  Combining feedback from both employee and customer surveys will provide invaluable insight into a company’s strengths and weaknesses.  It is important to use this information to further elevate the experience of both employee and customer.  A little known fact is that employees want to be provided with tools and training to achieve clear expectations.

What practices do you have in your company?  Let us know in the comment section below and remember…whatever you do, make it a great day!

Quality Customer Care on Social Media

Quality Customer Care on Social Media

Dialing up the client services department to complain (or compliment) about your buying experience can be a hassle.  Let’s be honest, it’s just easier to use social media to convey good or bad consumer experiences to solve our problem.

Social media customer service was once a rarely used service channel, however, that has changed.  Companies are bringing customer service pages back to the internet.

According to Forbes Business Magazine, addressing service quality on a social media platform boosts a company’s brand.  When executed with empathy, it presents situations to the public that describes how the business treats its consumers (this can also be a golden opportunity to shine if you’re delivering exceptional quality care).

To thrive in commerce on the world wide web, your customer service had better be on point. So, consider this:

1) Identify which social media platform you’ll use to communicate with customers.  Ideally, it should be the same platform the majority of your customers currently use.

2) Decide on an appropriate response time.  How quickly will you commit to responding to your customers?  Most customers expect feedback within an hour.  Establish customer expectations with automated responses that identify turnaround time.  Post your service hours.

3) Make sure your company’s values are reflected when acknowledging customers criticisms. Coach employees on proper verbal and written tone of voice.  Offer specific examples and encourage role play to enhance the training.

4) Monitor conversations on your social media platforms in order to gain insight into public opinions about your business and products.  Use it to improve your weaknesses.

Tell us how social media has impacted your customer service delivery.

Remember, make it a great day!

Zoom Fatigue

Zoom Fatigue

Many companies are rethinking their return to office timeline with the recent spikes in Covid-19 cases nationwide and for many employees, that means more zoom meetings and no end in sight to the fatigue that seems to accompany videoconferencing. .

According to PsychiatricTimes.com, zoom fatigue is attributed to burnout due to the overuse of virtual communication platforms.  Physical symptoms of burnout can include sleeplessness, tense muscles, and pain.  Cognitive issues such as forgetfulness and lack of concentration can also develop.

So why is videoconferencing so taxing?  Virtual meetings require your brain to work harder because in addition to processing what the speaker is saying, you must also give the impression you’re making eye contact.  Additionally, when communicating virtually, a slight verbal delay requires more of your brain power to interpret the speaker’s words.

As we all work through this “new normal,” we’d like to offer possible solutions for those facing endless video conferences. Here are a couple key tips for reducing zoom fatigue:

First, consider which interactions truly require video.  Could the matter be handled with an email or phone call?  Try to balance your meetings with a mix of video conference and teleconference calls.

Second, when creating your schedule, include breaks where possible.  It’s important to give yourself a break from continuously staring at a screen.

Third, remove distractions.  Minimize the image on your screen if you find yourself becoming distracted by your own appearance.  Or, consider asking if it’s okay to turn off your video functionality so that you can better focus on the discussion.

As always, we hope this helps.  Feel free to share your tips for reducing zoom fatigue in the comment section below…and…by all means, make it a great day!

Cancel Culture and Customer Service

Cancel Culture and Customer Service

According to Wikipedia.com, cancel culture is a form of “shunning or boycotting” an individual based on their egregious behavior or controversial statement. Undoubtedly you’ve heard of celebrities being “cancelled” and falling victim to cancel culture, but what about companies? Yes, companies have also gotten caught up in cancel culture. Look no further than your breakfast table and you’ll find examples of companies and brands such as Goya Foods, Aunt Jemima (Pearl Milling Co.), and Cream of Wheat that have recently faced such backlash.

Being prepared is a company’s best defense when it comes to cancel culture. First and foremost, hear your customer clearly and assess the gravity of the situation. Never underestimate the power and reach of social media. Baby boomers may mistakenly view social media as frivolous; however, it is important to actively monitor your social media for customer complaints. Addressing customer complaints quickly and properly is imperative. Using social media to solicit solutions from customers is a great way to show customers that you care and you’re listening.

Second, consider all the ways your message could be interpreted. This is one of the reasons diversity is important. Despite your intent, your message can be interpreted differently by others based on their life experiences and beliefs. Draw on your team’s diversity for feedback.

And finally, mistakes are bound to happen. But it is important to quickly address errors and accept responsibility. Offer an empathetic and genuine apology alongside your plan for improvement or prevention.

Now, let’s go out there and make it a great day!

The New Hello: “My Pronouns Are”

The New Hello: “My Pronouns Are”

Personal pronouns are important because they are frequently used to assign gender based on certain assumptions.  However, these assumptions aren’t always correct.  Using an individual’s correct pronoun is important because it conveys respect.  Most people are accustomed to using she, him, her, he, his, and hers.  People may not be as familiar with using they/them, xe/xem, sie/hir and ze/zir which may be used by individuals who identify as non-binary or gender neutral.  There are numerous other gender neutral pronouns but for our purposes we will touch on those more commonly used.

Undoubtedly, you’ve seen the inclusion of pronouns everywhere from name tags to email signatures.  Companies like General Motors, Target, and T-Mobile are supporting the use of pronouns to embrace inclusion and prevent misgendering.  Based on feedback from T-Mobile employees, the company now offers its employees the option to add any of the following to a name tag :

  • He/him/his
  • She/her/hers
  • They/them/theirs
  • Ask me my pronouns

Also, a new introduction is being ushered in with the evolution of diversity and inclusion which includes an individual’s pronouns.  Face-to-face introductions are evolving as well.  Introductions such as “Hello my name is Sam and my pronouns are she, her, hers”  are replacing the customary “Hello my name is Sam.”

A few tips for navigating personal pronoun usage:

  • Sharing your personal pronouns first is a great lead in when asking another their pronouns
  • If you’re unable to ask someone their pronouns, simply use their name or default to they/them
  • If you make a mistake, correct it and apologize
  • Keep in mind no one should be forced to share their pronouns but rather invited or encouraged to share

Share your comments with us and…make it a great day!