Mediocrity is the Enemy of Leadership & Success

Mediocrity is the Enemy of Leadership & Success

So…you couldn’t just “let it go”.  You are a supervisor observing your employee first ignoring then giving mediocre service to a prospect who is about to walk out the door, no sale.  The scene did not settle well with you so you intervened and provided exactly what the prospect needed resulting in her becoming a customer.  Your keen proficiency created a memorable customer experience that is now connected to your company brand.

Mediocrity is the enemy of success and employee training MUST stress that on several levels.  Your staff has to get in the habit of asking themselves, “What am I doing today that will make my customer want to do business with me and NOT with my competitor?”.

Yikes!! Think Before You Speak

Yikes!! Think Before You Speak


Loyal Client Lost Due to Horrible Mistake

A recent visit to my florist (of which I have been a loyal client for about five years) left me angry and mystified.

Three employees (including the manager) were leaning against a table behind the counter as I walked up for service.  Without making a move, one of them asked what I needed.   I said that I wanted to order flowers for my mother…before I could give her additional information, the employee who was identified as being new on the job, walked to the counter and asked me when the funeral was scheduled.

Radical Amazing Customer Service

Radical Amazing Customer Service

Have you ever experienced radically amazing customer service?  What is it?  It starts with employee empowerment.   Let me give you an example.

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel provides employees with $2,000/day per guest to “make it right or delight” customers.  From the first day on the job at Ritz-Carlton, employees are encouraged AND empowered to correct problems and improve the guest’s experience.

Give Customers/Prospects a Reason to Shop Your Business

Give Customers/Prospects a Reason to Shop Your Business

Prospects and customers take many factors into consideration as they decide with whom they will conduct business.

Your team should always be prepared to apply their expertise, skills and knowledge to everyone who might buy from your business ANDthey MUST  arrive to work on time.  Your employees should arrive to work in enough time to set up their work stations and be ready to receive customers at 9:00 a.m. or whatever the official start time may be.  Chronic employee tardiness costs businesses in the United States more than $3 billion dollars a year in lost productivity.

If you are annoyed by employee chronic tardiness, think about how your customers must feel.

Springtime Has Arrived. Time to Refresh Customer Service?

Springtime Has Arrived. Time to Refresh Customer Service?

As you think about providing red carpet service, remember, there is ALWAYS a reason to call your customers and clients — offer congratulations on a recent victory or promotion, holiday or birthday greetings, best wishes on upcoming travel/excursion, birth of son/daughter/niece/nephew.  Make it a point to let your clients know that you have a personal interest in their welfare and success in life.

A good practice is to let your clients hear from you approximately every three weeks.  They will appreciate you and will view you as an important part of their center of influence.