It takes a lot of shifts and gears to run a successful company. A predominant gear of any profitable business is the delivery of red carpet customer service to every customer every time. Customers want businesses to be proactive, anticipate and fulfill their needs within a reasonable timeframe. This statement presents a strong argument for businesses to focus on a philosophy to deliver the best service rather than a customer service policy.
With frequent regularity, someone makes a point to tell me that the concept of delivering exceptional customer service “is no big deal because common sense tells anybody how to make customers happy” and yet many of us have told stories to friends and others about awful customer experiences we have endured leading us to jump ship and buy from a competitor.
Businesses that give nothing more than lip service about delivering personal service are missing the mark in understanding how powerful it is to touch clients on an emotional level which makes the difference between the customer forgetting you after the last transaction and becoming a loyal client.
A few days ago, someone asked me why I focus so much attention on Millennials. Their talent and skill are amazing; their expertise in hard skills has proven to be highly effective in fields ranging from biomedical engineering to telemarketing leading to the important growth of the U.S. economy.
With that said, a prominent challenge Millennials face is that in soft skills. According to Talent Culture, a study by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) found that American Millennials trail their global counterparts in workplace communication causing on-the-job problems link to study here. Not only that, the study found that their lack of soft skills has an adverse impact on the relationships among their colleagues, teammates and managers..
Did you notice that the picture for this blog illustrates the hammer hitting the screw and the screwdriver twisting the nail? Using the wrong tools to complete a job is as ineffective as placing the wrong employee in the wrong position.
A significant amount of employee frustration can be avoided/eliminated by positioning the right people in the right position. Sometimes, hiring managers have to do more with less and often rely on cross training to perform the job that needs to be done.
The cost of hiring, training, and replacing employees who should never have been hired is very costly. So, what should you do?
In 1992, the U.S. Congress declared Customer Service Week a nationally recognized event to be celebrated every October. Now, thousands of companies across the United States and around the world recognize Customer Service Week which is October 3rd through October 7th carrying the theme, “Service Champions” .
How will you inspire your team to provide extraordinary service this week and carry it out every day of the year?