In 1992, the U.S. Congress declared Customer Service Week a nationally recognized event to be celebrated every October.  Now, thousands of companies across the United States and around the world recognize Customer Service Week which is October 3rd through October 7th carrying the theme, “Service Champions” .

How will you inspire your team to provide extraordinary service this week and carry it out every day of the year?

Here are a few of “Colette’s Top Tips” for expressing internal and external customer appreciation and delivering stellar service?

* Give your employees a t-shirt with an uplifting quote, i.e. a shirt with a picot of a globe that reads: “My Boss Thinks the World of Me”

* SHOW your managers how much you appreciate them

* Give your clients a bag of individually wrapped atomic bomb candy with a note that says, “Our Customers are the Bomb!”

* Create a calendar of events to celebrate internal and external customers with a day of “grand finale” activities.  Immediately begin planning for next year!!

* Load up your lobby with helium-filled balloons with various quotes, i.e., “You’re the Best”, “One of a Kind”, “Thank You” and give a ballon to each customer.

* Give your call center reps a decorative basket filled with their favorite treats; include a “customer service hero” or “customer service shero” sticker on each basket

* Give your senior citizen clients a desktop tree with inscriptions declaring your appreciation on the fall colored leaves

* Remind your external customers of your firm’s dedication to deliver consistent celebrity status experiences to them

* Celebrate like a rock star with your employees

Set the bar for your team; define and illustrate what “the extra mile” looks like. Help them to engage so that it has personal meaning to them.  Their work will set the standard for your competition.

Make Customer Service Week a major annual event at your organization.  Communication and announcements from the C-Suite will help employees understand its importance.  Use it as a training and learning opportunity for new employees and volunteers.

Happy Customer Service Week !!  Let’s keep the stellar service going year round !!!

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