So Much To Do…Such Little Time To Get It Done

So Much To Do…Such Little Time To Get It Done

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Steve Jobs kept a running list of his daily tasks and to stay on schedule, he routinely referenced the list asking himself, “What’s my next action?”.

Self-discipline and taking control of your time are the essential elements needed to conquer the elusive “fait accompli” of seemingly endless tasks.

Productivity increases when “to do” lists are crafted and soundly implemented.  When you construct a list, set a timeframe (i.e., three days) that designates when all tasks must be completed; purge the list afterwards.  Be sure not to confuse a “to do” list with a “project list”.

Here are a few ideas that might help you “get it all done”:

* Make a “To Don’t” list.  A major reason people don’t complete daily tasks is because they are sidetracked by peripheral activities, thoughts and interruptions.  So, if the first priority of the day is to finalize the financial summary for an upcoming board meeting, the “To Don’t” list

Classic White Glove Service

Classic White Glove Service

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White Glove Service.  Spoken in a certain tone and voice inflections, the phrase offers an imagery of first class stateliness and resplendence.  Who among us would not welcome such treatment whenever we shopped for goods and services?

White glove service offers a pledge to every prospect, customer, and client to give a “wow” experience of exceptional in-store and online shopping, to provide supreme personal attention to the most minute detail, and to exemplify superior business etiquette at all times.

Everyone on your team is responsible for delivering this type of service and it can be accomplished when management creates a platform for them to share their ideas and to implement them when applicable.   In fact, most employees don’t want to be bystanders but want to place their fingerprint on programs that will make a positive mark on the sustainability and growth of the organization; it fosters a psychological ownership of the company brand.

Many organizations have special mentoring programs to ensure that their staff is armed with detailed knowledge about company products and have the ability to flawlessly manage customer engagement.

It is worth the time and expense to train team members how to serve at the highest level and to help them understand why it is important to think on those terms.  Teach them how to:

* Listen to management/mentors and to the customer

* Ensure that their values align with those of the company

* Build a systematic method to survey, monitor, collect and respond to customer feedback using multiple channels

* Be available for ongoing product and customer engagement training

Remember, the customer is NOT always right but the customer is the reason your business exists.  It is your responsibility to build a genuine relationship and anticipate/fulfill their needs.  Delivering exceptional service is a never-ending and rewarding vocation; organizations that understand that concept are the leaders in their industries who enjoy marvelous profits, and  business growth.

Make it a great day and Happy New Year!

Leadership: The Relevant Differentiator in Business

Leadership:  The Relevant Differentiator in Business

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“Leadership is an action, not a position” ~ Donald McGannon

Great leaders formulate and successfully carry out missions, convey strategic plans to executives/board members, and motivate employees to perform their jobs with excellence and proficiency.

If a leader is serious about triumphantly accomplishing company goals, they MUST pull together a diverse team of people.  Diverse teams are smarter.  According to a 2015 McKinsey report on 366 public companies, those in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity in management were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their competitor.

The concept of being a great leader is simple but it is not easy.  Employees must believe in the cause they are working for, i.e., the corporate mission and its core values.  They must trust the leadership of the organization if they are expected to follow them.

A Few of My Favorite Things…About Customer Engagement

A Few of My Favorite Things…About Customer Engagement

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I am very fortunate to have a job that I absolutely love!

Over the years, I have shared useful information that has helped businesses understand the importance of providing ongoing customer care training on subjects like:

* Be proactive.  Don’t wait on a problem to surface.  No matter the industry, consumers appreciate businesses anticipating their needs/wants and acting on them.  More and more, consumers expect to be accommodated with proficiency.

* Ask for customer feedback and use it.  “Checking in” with your clients and making sure they are satisfied with your product is the bedrock for exceptional service and care.

* Know your demographic.  Who is your customer?  What do they need?  What do they want?  On what channel(s) do they prefer to communicate?  What do they love about you?  What do they dislike?  When will they need an upgrade of your product?  Are you the thought leader in your industry?

The Gift of Captivating Customer Care

The Gift of Captivating Customer Care

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“Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.” ~ Bryant McGill, author

Have you been contemplating the best gift to give to your clients this holiday season?  I’ll give you a hint as to what they want almost more than anything:  top level care in every transaction, communication and experience.

Consumer complaints about poor service have become increasingly prevalent throughout social media and other communication channels.   Customers have said they receive poor service considerably more often than they receive excellent service and it doesn’t matter the industry or whether it is in person, online or multi-channel shopping.  Some have said that although they find it unacceptable, they almost expect to receive poor service because it has become the norm.