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I am very fortunate to have a job that I absolutely love!

Over the years, I have shared useful information that has helped businesses understand the importance of providing ongoing customer care training on subjects like:

* Be proactive.  Don’t wait on a problem to surface.  No matter the industry, consumers appreciate businesses anticipating their needs/wants and acting on them.  More and more, consumers expect to be accommodated with proficiency.

* Ask for customer feedback and use it.  “Checking in” with your clients and making sure they are satisfied with your product is the bedrock for exceptional service and care.

* Know your demographic.  Who is your customer?  What do they need?  What do they want?  On what channel(s) do they prefer to communicate?  What do they love about you?  What do they dislike?  When will they need an upgrade of your product?  Are you the thought leader in your industry?

* If you want your employees to grow and to expand their knowledge about your company, it is imperative to offer product training on a regular basis.  It is also important to offer customer quality care training throughout the year.  The two go hand-in-hand.  If your team does not know how the product operates, they will be unable to answer inquiries from clients (making for an extraordinarily frustrating situation for all involved).

* Know your competition.  What do they do well?  What is their “weak spot”?  What do customers love about them?  What do customers dislike about them?  What are their growth projections?  Are they effectively using CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing)?

A few things to keep in mind:

* 91% of unhappy customers will not do business with you again (Source: “Understanding Customers”, Ruby Newell-Legner).

* If you resolve a complaint in the customer’s favor they will do business with you again 70% of the time.

* A typical business hears from only 4% of its dissatisfied customers (Source: “Understanding Customers”, Ruby Newell-Legner).

My mission is to train businesses how to have happy customer engagements…that’s my job.  That means I have an unwavering will to succeed…every problem has a solution even if at first it seems there is not.

Make it a point to add a new “swag”, a new purpose, a new goal to give every customer memorable moments.

Happy Holidays !

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