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Winning! Yes, the sound of the word is exhilarating.  Yet it’s very difficult to achieve consistent victory over the competition without a clear vision and strategy for giving consumers amazing experiences.  You must “sweat the small stuff” and give attention to detail; stay on top of quality management.

When customers love your company for what it does and how its done, they’ll flock to it.  That means that mere discussions with the team about quality and customer care is worthless unless it is applied, measured, corrected and delivered in a manner that will exceed the consumers’ expectations.

Winners will:

>  Take unconventional steps to make the organization extraordinarily successful

>  Be trustworthy and reliable

>  Understand that leadership is NOT dictatorship

>  Lead, support, and self-manage

>  Proactively offer useful suggestions to executive management on how to improve employee efficiency/productivity

>  Understand their role in the organization and work diligently to fulfill it

>  Effectively communicate in every media outlet (verbally and written)

>  Be accountable for their treatment of internal and external customers

>  Champion the corporate vision and core values

>  Set customer experience goals, track them with analytics, interpret data and share results with the team

>  Be passionate about customer service

>  Thirst for knowledge on how to keep the customer happy and return to do more business

>  HAVE FUN !!

Winners are confident and determined to keep winning.  They don’t rest on their laurels but set new goals…”nothing is changed by a mediocre performance” according to author, John Maxwell.  Although they may not hold a lofty managerial title, winners have high standards and leadership skills.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best…”If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven played music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry.  He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

Make it a great day!




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