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When you are not getting the results you envisioned for your business, begin by talking with and teaching your team about the importance of customer engagement.  What is customer engagement?  Simply put, it is the connection a business makes with its customers via various communication channels online or offline; understanding how to measure customer service and accurately interpret data derived from metrics for the purpose of delivering amazing customer experiences on a consistent basis.  Higher degrees of customer engagement means a deeper commitment of time given to customers and emotions invested in them.

How do you know if you have successfully engaged your customers?

1) They come back to your company to make repeat purchases—often.

2) They expand their purchases beyond one or two products/services…they become a client.

3) They can rely on frontline employees being empowered to make on-the-spot decisions about inquiries and complaints.

4) They respond to your surveys and other methods for information gathering about how to satisfy their goals.  Survey results help businesses anticipate customers’ needs and understand how to offer goods and services before they ask.  If you are not using different methods to find out what your customers want or whether they are satisfied with your brand, you are positioning yourself to lose out to the competition.

5) They will be loyal to you even if your prices are higher or if they have to drive 10 minutes farther to get to your place of business.  Engaged customers feel valued. They feel that your company is loyal to them!  So, by showing a genuine interest in what is important to them, they will feel embraced and included as part of “The Company Family”.

6) If you properly engage your clients, they will be your best form of advertising in that they will tell their friends, colleagues and family about their experiences with your company.  They’ll also share their experiences on social media and other channels.  However, be careful, this cuts both ways for excellent AND poor service.

These are only a few ways to increase customer engagement — all of them will make a positive and profitable impact on your relationships.  Time to give it a try.

It’s up to you to make it a great day!

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