Parents want the best for their children and children want to excel and be the best they can be.

As today’s youth make their marks in life and become leaders among their peers and in the community, it is essential that they understand that they must engage in social media respectfully and understand the importance that posts are permanent.  It is also important for youth to think twice before posting anything that could be interpreted as controversial, compromising or offensive because the posts can follow their academic and employment career for life.

Parents and students, here is what some employers are saying…

A cautionary word to my high schoolers:  Prospective colleges, universities, and employers are looking at your social media communication; be careful on what and how you post.

Take these tips into consideration:

  • Take your online communication seriously.  Although social media is the primary way to stay current on what is happening in the world and to stay connected with friends and the community, you must know that if you abuse it or disobey the rules, there could be consequences to face.  Don’t post anything that your parents would not be proud to see on a 6 o’clock national news program.
  • Potential employers will review your social media accounts, so if you are looking to be hired for a summer job, internship or even as a volunteer, keep this in the back of your mind as you post.  Employers look beyond skills before they hire you.
  • Your online presence is a serious matter.  What you post is what you are…at least in the eyes of people who read your posts.  Remember, people judge you on what they see and every post matters. Read through your stream and ensure it reflects your character.
  • If you have not already done so, consider dedicating posts that emphasize your achievements and accomplishments.  Also, consider linking to charities you support and let people know how they can get involved.  Mix your content so that people will continue to come back to it.
  • Privacy settings do not always protect what is shared on the web.  Consider downloading an app that will alert you if something is posted on line negatively about you because you do not want anything to put your reputation at risk.
  • Google yourself.  If you Google your name and in Google images, what comes up?  Eliminate negative posts and pictures of yourself.  Potential employers want to see clean posts and more importantly, they want to hire people who respect themselves because they will concluded that most likely, you will respect management and the organization.

Next week, we will an exciting business etiquette topic.  See you then !

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