Almost all companies host semi-annual or annual business planning conferences to bring together senior-level managers from units and divisions from across the company and develop goals and strategies to improve business and increase profit margins. Yet few companies undertake a similar process to discuss how to engage with customers — the lifeblood of all companies.

The CEO of a particular Fortune 500 company’s direct involvement in customer engagement sparked a company-wide dialogue about how dramatically customer behavior had improved employee morale, production AND the profit margin…in that order.

The training at Elite Customer Service stresses that employees are the key to optimizing the customer experience.  The on boarding process MUST emphasize the expectation that all employees are committed to the company’s mission of delivering a red carpet customer experience for every internal and external customer.

Take it upon yourself on behalf of your organization to make a better connection to its customers and consider implementing the following ideas:

  • Every department, unit and division of the company should have the same updated instructions so that your client does not have to give information more than one time.
  • Companies should agree on the elements of the customer engagement ecosystem and give strong consideration to hiring outside partners to obtain the highest results.
  • Genuinely accept the customer’s feedback and point of view (from surveys, etc.) and ACT ON IT.  Many companies will issue surveys but few follow through.
  • Give your clients red carpet PERSONAL attention…multi-tasking should be kept to a minimum UNLESS it is for the direct benefit of your client; by doing so, you will find that the long term value of the relationship will markedly improve.
  • According to research, companies with the best run customer experience programs are composed of a mixture of employees from across all units of the company.  They focus on customer loyalty, satisfaction and improvement.

If you and your team have made changes to your business, let me know !

I hope you receive red carpet service all day !

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