Movers and shakers know how to build excitement.

When people hear Disney, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Facebook, Amazon, Google, AirBnB and Apple, they automatically think about excitement, innovation and receiving impeccable customer service.  The Chief Customer Officer is ultimately responsible for delivering spectacular customer experiences.

Corporations are becoming more aware of the importance of expanding its executive C-suite positions to include titles such as Chief Growth Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Inspirational Officer and certainty a Chief Customer Officer (CCO).  On top of increasing profit margins, executives must bring a level of emotional intelligence (EQ) to the company so that they can anticipate and fulfill customers needs and ensure their happiness with the company’s products and services.

With that thought in mind, according to Staples Business Advantage, 43% of employees say they are very happy with their jobs.  So when the CCO shows excitement about giving amazing customer service, his/her excitement will be mimicked by employees who will find it easier to give customers the high level of respect and amazing experience they deserve.

Be creative.  Be the difference.  Build excitement for your customers and clients.

Have a stellar day!

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