Photo courtesy of Morguefile

Knock it out of the park with your style of phenomenal customer service!!

Want more customer retention?  Do this:  (1) Understand who your customers are, (2) ASK them what they want, (3) when and how they want it and (4) DELIVER it!

Want new customers?  Follow steps 1- 4 listed above!

If you are striving for a 99% customer satisfaction rate, that is the same as saying “we don’t care about customers”.  There is a saying that “99 and a half won’t do”.  Giving less than 100% is NOT how it works in this competitive playing field.  You want the customer?  Go get the customer.  Pursue your customers with the same fervor you pursued your education, personal goals, academic pursuits and your business.

The bottom line is customers are comparing your business to every other business and the common denominator is SERVICE!.

Many brands have gone out of business due to poor service.  The 21st century customer demands to be treated with respect and they will get it—with or without you. You have to work hard, study trends, know your industry better than anyone else, be a thought leader and influencer.  Keep your staff and employees up to date on training.  Treat them with respect and they will respect your clients, suppliers and vendors.

Let’s be honest. dissatisfied customers are an inevitable fact of business.  How you respond and how you proactively help them will determine how they rate your service on social media.

Make it a great day!

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