Take a Closer Look Before Sending That Message

Take a Closer Look Before Sending That Message

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Picture it…you just walked out of a meeting that has you fuming and you HAVE to get the anger off of your chest. You send a scathing, colorful email message to a colleague that describes the pure ineptness of management and question how they successfully make it through a complete day without play-by-play instructions to ensure they don’t self-destruct. After hitting the “send” key, you suddenly realize you sent the message—to your boss—and there it is, that dreadful sinking feeling of despair and helplessness. You know there is no way to retrieve the message.  NOW what do you do?

 Customer Retention and Employee Engagement

 Customer Retention and Employee Engagement

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“A highly engaged workforce means the difference between a company that outperforms its competitors and one that fails to grow.” ~ Gallup Poll Executive

Ask any company executive or entrepreneur if customer retention is important to the growth of their organization and they will probably give you a stare that shouts, “Of course it is!”.  The truth is, many organizations focus so keenly on getting NEW customers that they lose sight on how to effectively keep the ones they already have.

If you think that customer retention is insignificant to the health of your business, take a look at what the experts say:

Don’t Eclipse Your Customers’ Happiness With Poor Service 

Don’t Eclipse Your Customers’ Happiness With Poor Service 

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Many people will agree that customer satisfaction is a critical component for keeping organizations alive, prosperous and growing.  Some organizations are not as successful as others in giving consumers amazing service and memorable experiences.  Here are a few proven winning ideas that will keep your customers happy and coming back to do business with you.

What Every Restaurant Should Know About Customer Service

What Every Restaurant Should Know About Customer Service

So, You Want the Champagne Life Huh?

The restaurant businesses is one of the toughest industries in which to survive…just ask any number of hundreds of failed restaurant owners.

The key to success of ANY business is to know your demographic, fill a need and provider stellar customer service and experiences.

Here is an example of what I mean:

Service Is Not a Cost…It’s an Investment

Service Is Not a Cost…It’s an Investment

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“Service is the most powerful competitive advantage we have.  Service is not a cost, it is an investment.  It’s a growth engine for our company”, says Jim Bush, Executive Vice President of World Service, American Express.   I could not agree more.

Enlightened companies understand the old saying, “customer service doesn’t cost…it pays”.  They also know how to make that statement come alive in training sessions.