
“The control center of your life is your attitude.” — Author Unknown

In my job, I observe behaviors on a regular basis and use positive and negative real life customer service stories to train sales representatives, receptionists, customer service call center representatives, help desk analysts, and various levels of executive management how to change negative attitudes into positive which not only benefits the customer and the employee, but will have a direct effect on the reputation of their organization.

Among other things, I have found that body language sends non-verbal messages to those around you and has a direct relationship upon your attitude.

Whether we admit it or not, many people are judged by others in the initial moments of contact which establishes a lasting impression and impact on how successful or unsuccessful we are in business or in our personal lives.  Our attitude speaks volumes about who we are before we actually vocalize anything!

Negative employee attitudes and less-than-professional behaviors can have an adverse effect on the customer and in the workplace.  Body language will tell people if you are interested, attentive, angry, or bored.  Body language is one of the non-verbal signals that creates a lasting impression.  Body language, according to some reports, accounts for 90% of all communications.

Suzanne Masefield, Certified Trainer at the Center for Body Language, says that negative body language costs companies millions of dollars in lost business and revenue every single day.

Here are a few descriptions of a poor attitude with negative body language:

• Hands on Hips

• Looking down the nose

• Frowning & not smiling

• Facing away and continuing with what you are doing

• Walking slowly, dragging feet or shuffling

• Head down ignoring the other person

• Lack of eye contact

• Mumbling or high pitch voice tone

• Slouching; sitting or standing in slovenly manner

• Weak or dominant handshake

• Crossed or folded arms, legs

• Fiddling with hair, clothes, items

• Fidgeting, sniffing, chewing, giggling etc

• Hands in pockets

• Talking too much, not listening

Source: Suzanne Masefield, Certified Trainer at the Center for Body Language

Now, let’s look at few things that will make interactions more inviting.  These body language movements will give one confidence and will make the customer feel comfortable to interact with you:

• Maintain a positive facial expression

• Keep your head up

• Use frequent eye contact

• Keep your shoulders back and your body upright

* Give your undivided attention during the interaction

* Speak clearly and audibly

* Listen more than you speak

* Stand erect; keep arms/hands relaxed

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” — Winston Churchill

I look forward to talking with you soon; until then, provide exceptional customer service to every customer every time. 



Colette R. Douglas


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