It’s October. Fiscal fourth quarter is the final chance to successfully complete your plan and support your company’s revenue targets. If you are worried about hitting your goal before year end, you are not alone. A lot of folks are anxious this time of year, with the start of holiday festivities, spending time with family and friends, upcoming vacations, and…hitting their goals.
Here’s a strategy to help get you back on track and knock your goal out of the park.
Remember, buyers behave differently in fiscal Q4 than during the rest of the year. So, if companies have a budget policy of “use it or lose it”, you stand a good chance of selling the right product at the right price in the nick of time.
With all of that said, be gracious…give them an amazing experience and avoid the hard sell…that won’t get you any closer to achieving your goal.
By following the steps that we’ve shared, you will enjoy the holidays with peace of mind and will look forward to a prosperous new year.